About The Bryant Foundation


The Bryant Foundation of Locke Supply Co. was created by the Locke Supply Co. management team to support charitable causes.

Locke Supply Co. has always found ways to support local charities, but as the company grew Tammi Bryant (President & CEO from 2011 – 2018) felt we could do even more. We found that the best way to accomplish our goal of giving back to the community was to create a foundation. The Bryant Foundation of Locke Supply Co. has no employees or overhead. All its workers are volunteers with ties to Locke Supply Co. By doing this, we can ensure that 100% of the money we raise will go directly to the cause it’s intended. The Foundation helps Locke Supply Co. use its partnerships and influence to support worthwhile causes in our communities.



The Bryant Foundation of Locke Supply Co. has partnered with these charities to provide donations to help those in need.

  • x-icon Raised over $100,000 for Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma
  • x-icon Raised over $140,000 for Pepper's Ranch
  • x-icon Raised over $160,000 for Hope United

Previous Fundraisers
